Friday, November 30, 2007

Cynthia Gets A Chime!

Cynthia and Deborah Slater are one of five pairs of dance artists who were selected to receive the coveted Chime (Choreographers in Mentorship Exchange) Awards. These awards were established to formalize the exchange and feedback mechanisms between established and emerging California choreographers. The awards supports the artists with grants and studio space (up to 500 hours!) for a year.

Deborah Slater will be working with Cynthia to push forward in her work and reexamine her modes of working.

This is exciting, folks!

In other news, we are more than half way to reaching our fundraising goal for the East Bay Community Foundation matching grant we received earlier this fall. We still need about $3000 so please consider donating to support artist fees for a new innovative work coming out in 2008! More information about Intersecting Stories and how to donate can be found on the website at

Monday, November 5, 2007

Fellow Travelers Performance Group artistic directors Ken James and Cynthia Adams are announcing the newest fellow travelers: Leo Sergio. 8 months old, fiesty, and a great jumper, Leo Sergio James is officially the youngest of the fellow travelers group.